Elections Process
General student body elections are held every year in the first seven weeks of the fall semester. Every year there is a new intake of members who run for the various positions for the student body government. Elected Council positions have a 1-year term from Jan 1- Dec 31 of the calendar cycle and thus serve three semesters on the board. Elected members are required to attend mandatory monthly Council meetings that take place on the first Tuesday of the month.

Notice of Elections
The call to run for elections is done during the initial weeks of September. Notices are posted online and throughout the campus.
Eligibility Period
Members seeking candidacy for the executive positions are required to obtain and fill out “Application for Eligibility” packages and submit them by the designated due date. Applications are reviewed and graded by the Electoral Committee and the CRO. Packages can be picked up at the LSU Reception (S105) or printed from the LSU website.
Candidates for non-designated General Member-at-Large positions do not need to complete an application for eligibility as indicated in the Bylaws and policies of the LSU.
Nomination Period
Candidates must obtain the necessary number of required signatures from their peers to be nominated for the position they seek. Candidates must be currently attending Langara College. All submitted documents and forms must be clearly printed.
It is important to note that once the Electoral Committee confirms an applicant’s eligibility, they must still complete additional steps to be duly nominated. All candidates running for Executive or designated Member-at-Large positions (Indigenous Students’ Representative, International Students’ Representative, Diversity & Inclusion Representative), and General Member-at-Large positions must be duly nominated, and their names added to the Official List of Candidates by the Chief Returning Officer before they can participate in the election.
Candidates can advertise, network, and lobby to the general members to bring awareness of their candidacy and platform vision. Candidates are required to abide by campaign rules and conduct as set forth in Policy No. B2520 – Candidacy & Campaigning. Notably, they must remove all campaign materials on display including posters by the end of the campaign period deadline. Candidates found to be in violation of any of the candidacy and campaign rules will be disqualified by the CRO.
All Candidates Forum
This is a public forum conducted in a press conference like setting. Candidates present their platforms followed by a questioning period where members question candidates regarding their goals and visions for the potential future with the organization. Candidates must also prepare and read a short statement outlining their reasons for campaigning for a position on the Students’ Union Executive Board. This forum is mandatory and failure to attend results in the disqualification of the candidate.
Polling (Voting)
Voting is conducted in various assigned locations. Polling stations are set up and the casting of ballots takes place. Voters must adhere to the code of conduct and present their Langara College ID card to vote. Voters who do not have a Langara College identification card can obtain a letter of enrollment verification from the Registrar’s office along with a valid government picture identification to vote.
Voting will occur during the following times and dates. Voters must bring with them their Langara College ID card to vote. Those who do not have one must bring a letter of enrollment verification form and a government picture ID to be eligible to vote.
Members of the LSU in good academic standing are eligible to run and must comply with the electoral eligibility policies and are subject to an eligibility screening process carried out by the LSU Electoral Committee and adjudicated by an independent third party in compliance with the LSU Bylaws and Policy No. B2510.
LSU Members seeking candidacy in this election must also refer to and review the following documents:
Elected members are paid a stipend. The anticipated workload and projected number of hours for the various positions on Council will vary in accordance to events, attendance in meetings, individual roles and duties as per positions, and level of individual participation.
The Bylaws regarding governing, voting, counting of ballots, and posting of results can be found on the link below:
Bylaws (namely Article 9)
Ballot Counting
The counting of ballots will take place in the LSU Boardroom.
Appointment of Scrutineers
Each candidate may appoint a scrutineer to observe the counting of ballots in accordance with by-law 9.11.2. The doors of the room where counting takes place will be locked and late arrival of Scrutineers will result in denied entry.
Candidates must prior fill in a Scrutineer Appointment Form available from the Candidates Nomination Package. This form duly completed must be returned to the LSU Reception (S105) before the due date. Scrutineers must produce a valid piece of ID to be permitted inside.
For more information, please stop by the LSU Office or contact the Chief Returning Officer at cro@lsu.bc.ca