Welcome to Langara Students’ Union – Your voice, your community, your union!

    Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct


    Together we shall create a healthy community of inspiration and respect. This code serves to educate students and the Board of Directors of the Langara Students’ Union Association about their ethical responsibilities and inform the College community about their ethical responsibilities and commitments expected of the Executive Committee members.

    Values and Commitments

    A value is something that is prized or held dear; something that is deeply cared about. This code is organized around seven primary values that are central to ethical work in the Langara Students’ Union.

    RESPECT We respect diversity, dignity and the interdependence of all persons.
    EXCELLENCE We achieved excellence through lifelong learning and continuous improvement.
    STEWARDSHIP We share accountability and management for the Langara Students’ Union.
    PEACE We support co-operation with other organizations in matters that affect student life locally and globally.
    ETHICS We work and behave in ways that generate trust and instill faith in our abilities.
    COMMUNITY We work within the constitution of the Langara Students’ Union to promote a sense of unity.
    TRUST We maintain high levels of honesty and personal integrity including promoting choice and confidentiality at all times.

    Code of Conduct Process:

    1. The Code of Conduct Committee (COCC) will only meet when directed to do so by the Board of Directors.
    2. The Executive Committee must receive a written complaint within seven (7) days of the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct and will promptly strike a COCC to investigate the complaint.
    3. The COCC shall be comprised of the three (3) Executive Members with no conflict of interest. The number of members of the CoCC can be increased at the discretion of the Executive Committee, bearing in mind the expedience and the need for uneven numbers for voting purposes.
    4. Both parties, the complainant and the accused, have the right to meet with the COCC and shall do so at the same time where possible.
    5. Meetings will be closed, except for witnesses, the parties, and COCC members.
    6. Complaints will be dealt with within 14 days.
    7. COCC will make recommendations and the Executive Committee will vote on their recommendations.

    Code of Conduct Guidelines for Discipline:

    1. The direction of the discipline shall be threefold:
      1. Provide options
      2. Progressive discipline
      3. Corrective measures
    2. The progression of discipline shall be as follows:
      1. Letter of Warning
      2. Suspension for Executive Meetings (short term one to three meetings)
        • Executive members shall retain their position during suspensions
      3. Suspension from Executive Meetings (long term – semester)
      4. Impeachment
      5. Removal from the Langara Students’ Union
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