POLLING: May 27-29, 2024
TIME: 10 AM to 5 PM
LOCATION: Student Union Building (SUB) Upper Lounge
Langara Students’ Union Health & Dental Plan Referendum
The Langara Students’ Union Health and Dental Plan provides over 11,000 students access to benefits including but not limited to: prescription drugs, mental health counselling, physiotherapy, massage therapy, vision and dental.
Service utilization has increased by 30% year-over-year driven primarily by dental claims. Combined with higher inflationary pressures, this has resulted in plan costs significantly increasing. The current fee structure is not sustainable and requires an increase in order to avoid reducing benefits.
Therefore, the LSU Executives direct that a referendum be held among Langara Students’ Union members from May 27-29, 2024 asking the following question:
Referendum Question:
I am in favor of increasing the current LSU Health and Dental Plan fee from $289.62 up to a maximum of $345.00 for the year 2024-2025, and to adjust the fee up to 10% each year after 2025, to account for inflation, if necessary. Members who have equivalent coverage may opt-out from the Health and Dental Plan and receive a full reimbursement.
The LSU Executives further direct that the referendum question shall be effectively passed if a majority of those eligible students who vote signify their agreement with the referendum question.
The LSU Executives further direct that the current Health and Dental Plan benefits will be significantly reduced to fit within the current fee structure should this referendum question fail.