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    LSU Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

    LSU Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

    LSU Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

    Langara Students’ Union (LSU) has contributed over $100,000 this year towards financial awards for LSU members and that amount grows every year! Listed here are the bursaries, awards and scholarships you should know about. All of our bursaries, scholarships and awards are available to international and domestic students that meet the award criteria. LSU’s bursaries, awards and scholarships are administered through the Langara College Financial Aid Office, so you must apply there. Langara College offers many more bursaries, awards and scholarships in addition to those listed here. For more information contact the Financial Aid Office at 604-323-5376 or visit www.langara.bc.ca/student-services/financial-aid.


    Awards are non-repayable financial awards given to domestic or international students based on a combination of financial need and exemplary service. Unlike a bursary where financial need is the main requirement, awards require that the applicant demonstrate “merit,” in other words, service to others through volunteering or playing a leadership role in the college community or among their peers. Applications are necessary for awards. Remember to pay close attention to the posted deadlines. Applications may be obtained at the Langara College Financial Aid Department.

    LSU Nursing Award

    6 Awards of $1,000

    The Award is to be made to Langara College students who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipients will be enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
    (b) the student with the highest academic achievement from each of the following terms, will receive an award.
    -Terms 4, 5, and 6
    (c) the recipient will submit a one-page application describing how they demonstrate leadership within their cohort.

    LSU Study Abroad Award

    2 awards of $500
    This award is offered to any student taking part in a Langara-sanctioned study abroad offering, including field schools, exchange programs and international practicum. To be eligible applicants must demonstrate financial need and volunteer or non-paid service of some sort.

    LSU Registered Massage Therapy Award

    2 Awards of $500

    The Award is to be made to Langara College student/s who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipient will be enrolled in the Registered Massage Therapy program
    (b) the recipient will have achieved academic excellence.
    (c) Maximum one award per annum

    LSU Supply Chain & Logistics Award

    2 Awards of $500

    The Award is to be made to Langara College student/s who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipient will be enrolled in the Supply Chain and Logistics Post-Degree Diploma program
    (b) the recipient will have achieved academic excellence.
    (c) Maximum one award per annum

    LSU University-Transfer Program Student Leadership Award

    3 Awards of $500
    Awarded every Spring, this award is available to Langara College domestic or international students who are also members of LSU and enrolled in a Langara University-Transfer Program. To be eligible students must be currently registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum 9 credits in one of the past two terms. Students must demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with the LSU or with Langara College.

    Volunteer Leadership Award

    12 Awards of $500
    The Volunteer Leadership Award is available to domestic or international students who are also members of LSU. To be eligible students must demonstrate outstanding student leadership or service through volunteerism with the LSU or with Langara College.


    Bursaries are non-repayable financial assistance given to students based on their financial need and satisfactory academic standing. Applications are strictly confidential and handled through the Financial Aid Office. Unlike other bursaries, international students are also eligible for LSU bursaries and all applicants must be current LSU members who are enrolled in a minimum of two courses for which LSU fees are assessed and collected (i.e., academic program courses or the RMT program). While only individuals in exceptional financial need will be considered for funding, do apply if you are strapped for cash in paying for your courses.

    LSU and BC Ministry of Advanced Education Emergency Aid Fund (Bursary)

    Amount Varies Depending Upon Demand and Need: $10,000 given to numerous students annually 
    This is funding for students with disabilities for costly medication, treatments, psycho-educational assessment, or contribution to other costs. Students must provide evidence of need for these expenditures. Preference is given to students who are registered in at least two courses. Students must be registered with and receiving services through the Langara College Office of Disability Services. This bursary maybe awarded in any semester.

    LSU Education & Community Service Bursary

    Amount Varies Depending Upon Demand: Approximately 10 Awards with a Maximum Value of $500 each
    Offered in the Spring and Fall semesters, this bursary is for students in financial need. Preference is given to those students with a commitment to community service, as demonstrated by letters from community organizations where the applicant volunteered.

    LSU Fund for Students with Disabilities

    2 Bursaries of $800
    This is funding for students with disabilities for costly medication, treatments, psycho-educational assessment, or contribution to other costs. Students must provide evidence of need for these expenditures. Preference is given to students who are registered in at least two courses. Students must be registered with and receiving services through the Langara College Office of Disability Services. This bursary maybe awarded in any semester.

    LSU General Students’ Bursary

    Amount Varies Depending Upon Demand and Need: Approximately 10 bursaries of approximately $400 each
    Awarded in the Spring, Summer, or Fall Semesters to students with demonstrated financial need.

    LSU Genevier Sullivan Bursary

    3 Awards of $1,000

    To honour Genevier Sullivan, a Langara College student and champion for Indigenous and Post Care education, and student mental health, the Langara Students’ Union has created this bursary in her memory.

    The Award is to be made to Langara College students who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipients will demonstrate financial need
    (b) the recipient will identify as Indigenous, Post Care, or be enrolled as a student with a disability.

    International Education Bursary

    $25,000 annually

    To be disbursed in amounts at the discretion of the College’s Financial Aid department as outlined. Recipient’s will be enrolled as an international student; the recipient \will demonstrate an emergency financial need.

    The Award is to be made to Langara College student/s who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipient/s will be enrolled as an international student;
    (b) the recipient/s will demonstrate an emergency financial need
    (c) Maximum award is $1000 per annum.

    LSU Women’s Bursary

    3 Bursaries of $350
    Awarded to women with demonstrated financial need who experience obstacles to their educational goals. A female student must provide evidence of the obstacles that they are in the process of overcoming or have overcome in pursuit of their educational goals.  Must be enrolled in a minimum of two courses for which LSU fees are assessed and collected.


    Scholarships are financial awards given to students with excellent or top Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA). There are two types of LSU scholarships that differ according to the criteria for award. Departmental scholarships are given to the student with the top CGPA and the nomination comes from the department or faculty so no application is required by the student. LSU general scholarships require a minimum CGPA of 3.0, require application by the student, and also have a “merit” component such as volunteerism or student leadership. General Scholarship recipients are chosen by a selection committee.

    The LSU donates money to Langara College who then allots them to the different scholarship categories to which it will contribute towards and award to the deserving candidates. To see the various scholarships awarded out by Langara College, please visit https://langara.ca/student-services/financial-aid/scholarships/index.html

    LSU Faculty of Arts Scholarship

    1 Award of $1000
    Departmental Scholarship available to the student with the highest CGPA who is enrolled in a Faculty of Arts Program and within the following parameters: Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU. Student must be registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. No application is necessary for this award. Students receive the recommendation of program faculty when they meet specific scholarship criteria

    LSU Faculty of Science Scholarship

    1 Award of $1000
    Departmental Scholarship awarded to the student with the highest CGPA who is enrolled in a Faculty of Science Program and within the following parameters: Available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU. Student must be registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. No application is necessary for this award. Students receive the recommendation of program faculty when they meet specific scholarship criteria

    LSU Faculty of Social Sciences and Management Scholarship

    3 Award of $1000
    A Departmental Scholarship available to domestic or international Langara College students who are current members of LSU. To be eligible students must be registered in a minimum of 9 credits and who were registered in a minimum of 9 credits in one of the past two terms. Student must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and demonstrate outstanding leadership or service to their peers through volunteerism with LSU or with Langara College. Application is required for this scholarship.

    International Education Scholarship

    10 Awards of $10,000
    The Award is to be made to Langara College student/s who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipients will be enrolled as international students;
    (b) the recipients will have achieved high academic excellence
    (c) Maximum One award per annum

    LSU Journalism Scholarship

    3 Awards of $1,000

    The Award is to be made to Langara College student/s who meet the following criteria:
    (a) the recipients will be enrolled in the Journalism certificate program;
    (b) the recipients will have achieved high academic excellence
    (c) Maximum One award per annum

    LSU Langara School of Management Scholarship

    10 Awards of $1,000

    The Award is to be made to Langara College students who meet the following criteria:

    (a) the recipients will be enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
    (b) the recipients will have completed a minimum of 60 credits
    (c) the recipients will have achieved high academic excellence
    (d) Maximum One award per annum

    The Community Cupboard Program

    $36,000 annually

    The Community Cupboard project provides students with meal assistance, and this integral donation by the Langara Students’ Union supports this cause to not just help provide food on the table of those students who are in dire need, but also offer some relief in their financial condition.

    Click here for all other bursaries offered by Langara College.

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